BIRMINGHAM HIP* Resurfacing| Who is a Candidate| Diseases of the Hip | Non-surgical Alternatives| The Procedure | The Implant| Hip Resurfacing: Pre-op Surgery Day| Hip Rehabilitation After Surgery | Preventing Hip Resurfacing| Frequently Asked Questions


An exciting new alternative to total hip replacement is now available in the United States. Used successfully for years around the globe, the BIRMINGHAM HIP Resurfacing System have recently been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in the United States. Now, patients suffering from hip pain due to arthritis, dysplasia or avascular necrosis can benefit from its conservative approach to treatment.

Because this technologically advanced surgical procedure resurfaces rather than replaces the end of your femur (thighbone), you may participate in more strenuous physical activity with an implant that is potentially more stable and longer-lasting than traditional total hip replacements. And if future revision surgery is required, it may be a less complex and less traumatic procedure.

In fact, a 1,626-hip study of the effectiveness of the technique found that 99.5-percent of patients responded they were “Pleased” or “Extremely pleased” with the results of their BIRMINGHAM HIP Resurfacing surgery.

*Trademark of Smith & Nephew.